My Newest Song, I can't think of a cool title though
Take me away, to yuor inner courts
Take me away, to where you rest
Take me away, to your secret place
God, I just wanna be with you
Take me away, I wanna see your face
Take me away, I wanna walk with you
Take me away, I wanna rest in your arms
God, I just wanna be with you
Close to you,
Clost to you
I wanna be close to you
God I just wanna be with you
Take me away, to where you rest
Take me away, to your secret place
God, I just wanna be with you
Take me away, I wanna see your face
Take me away, I wanna walk with you
Take me away, I wanna rest in your arms
God, I just wanna be with you
Close to you,
Clost to you
I wanna be close to you
God I just wanna be with you
Your songs have an intimate theme to them, I love that! Another fun way to write songs is taking a verse from the Bible and create a song with it. "Taste and See" is almost word for word out of the Bible, so cool!
Anonymous, at 11:15 AM
Didn't you say you were aiming to write 1 song a week? Well its a week, and I see no song? Okay, maybe you've just been SUPER busy with life and school etc... and just haven't had the time to post it yet.. but come on, You're leaving me hangin' here! :)
Jewels, at 5:32 PM
How about "Take me Away" as your title. :o)
Jon, keep writing!! You inspire me to have a blog of poetry :o)
Linda Hope, at 2:37 PM
maybe you could call it...
or something...
Unknown, at 7:25 AM
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